Pulp Fiction, Film Noir, Dark Comedy...
all live on in this Planet Splat short, "The DEAD Detective".
Zombie Detective who rises from the grave each night, hunts down evil, and eats his victims. A stylish window of dark comedy, blood and social satire. "The DEAD Detective" longs to be alive, to be back with the girl he loves, but this is not possible. He now has a new mission, to hunt down the evil greedy men who killed him.
The zombie Detective serves up his own type of justice!
A Robinhood for the modern age, the "DEAD Detective" takes on the evil corporations, the greedy insurance companies, the selfish businessman. The crimes may be legal by the state, but this Detective works for a higher power.
The rich shall know the pain they inflict on others. The greedy shall know the suffering they blindly look away from as they hide in their towers of privilage. The selfish shall know death.
Planet Splat presents this series, "The Dead Detective".
all live on in this Planet Splat short, "The DEAD Detective".
Zombie Detective who rises from the grave each night, hunts down evil, and eats his victims. A stylish window of dark comedy, blood and social satire. "The DEAD Detective" longs to be alive, to be back with the girl he loves, but this is not possible. He now has a new mission, to hunt down the evil greedy men who killed him.
The zombie Detective serves up his own type of justice!
A Robinhood for the modern age, the "DEAD Detective" takes on the evil corporations, the greedy insurance companies, the selfish businessman. The crimes may be legal by the state, but this Detective works for a higher power.
The rich shall know the pain they inflict on others. The greedy shall know the suffering they blindly look away from as they hide in their towers of privilage. The selfish shall know death.
Planet Splat presents this series, "The Dead Detective".
Watch more videos on youtube at INFOPLANETSPLAT.
Contact Planet Splat at infoplanetsplat@gmail.com
POSTER ART for short stories and fun.
This story created by Planet Splat in 2010, is a dark story of revenge, a humerous tale of blood, a lustful tale of the young vs the establishment. The greedy will fear this story. All others will enjoy this dark adventure of film-noir.
"The DEAD Detective" is out there, by day a spirt and by night a flesh and bones zombie. There will be justice, there will be punishment, there will be blood. Enjoy.
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