Saturday, September 5, 2015

Lust and Murder the DEAD Detective is back for revenge....

Watch the short noir of revenge.... The DEAD Detective series from Planet SPLAT is back.  More lust... more action... more blood. 

The zombie detective by John Dolan - a dark noir cartoon.

Click to watch
The NEW HORROR - The DEAD Detective
Evil has a new enemy - the zombie crime fighter.
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Ha ha ha... evil has a new enemy The DEAD Detective.

Humor and Noir...........
The DEAD Detective series. 
Watch here from Planet SPLAT.
The NEW HORROR - The DEAD Detective by JB Dolan
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May your weekend be zombie free........

The zombie crime fighter is at it again.  The DEAD Detective series continues....
Each night as the sun sets the DEAD Detective rises.....
This man will not stay down, he won't stay buried......
The DEAD Detective rises to hunt those that killed him.
The Zombie Detective will punish evil.
The Detective will have his revenge......
Watch the DEAD Detective by JB Dolan presented by Planet SPLAT
Click to watch.  The New Horror - The DEAD Detective
Lust and Murder - The DEAD Detective
A sexy murder story by Planet SPLAT
A new noir series - The DEAD Detective
This crime fighting zombie will hunt down evil!
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