Summer time is Drive in time. Or it use to be. Back in the day, fields would fill with cars and giant screens would have film images projected on them. You'd pack the car with your girlfriend or a bunch of buddies and head to see several, at least two movies. And they all were not exploitation films of cheap horror. Main street Hollywood loved the Drive In, and back in the day everyone went and had a great time.
Summer Drive In Theater - before the internet, before Apple phones, before movies on Demand... Drive In Movies were the way to go. And a great way to spend a summer evening.
Watch B Movie Drive in Monsters on SPLAT TV.
Godzilla VS The Two Ton Tit.
Giant Tit Monster takes on the city - Monster Spoof
Monster Comedy humor on SPLAT TV
More weird and wild cinema on SPLAT TV
All SPLAT All Summer- watch on youtube at Planet SPLAT.
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